Nikola Tesla

by connorcountryman

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest minds in electrical engineering. Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Austria on July 10, 1856. In his life he was best known as an inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC)electricity supply system. Thomas Edison was a big name around the time Nikola Tesla was working. The reason Tesla is not as well known is because he was not money driven, he wanted to create an everlasting free source of electricity which hasn’t risen to this day. Tesla also wanted to find things and understand that which was not understood. One of Tesla’s earlier inventions was the induction motor, which helped with long distance high voltage transmissions. Tesla’s main contribution and design was the alternating current, which had a major impact on society and can still be found in use today. One of Tesla’s biggest setbacks was Thomas Edison. They had in their earlier years worked together but Edison became such a popular figure that it became hard for Tesla to get any light.